Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Change of plans

I feel like a 'proper' seasoned bike commuter now because after three commutes my bike has been nicked.

It feels like a rite of passage of sorts. I won't be buying a railpass quite as soon as I thought and I've had a little reminder that stuff is purely that, just stuff.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Bonus Monday

Oh I do *love* a bank holiday. The lack of Sunday evening dread and a whole extra day to do fun stuff. 

So Hubster and I headed off on the train up to Liverpool. We hit the galleries and museums, like shop-aholics hit the stores, and loved it. I found modern art collections curated by Marianne Faithful and Philip Trecey tough going. I do try and 'get' newish art but I'm very much of the 'I like what I like' persuasion, but a yummy lunch at 'The Egg' cafe after was much easier to enjoy.

Then we went to the world museum, which has all kinds of natural history going on. Dinosaur skeletons, recreations of jungles and an aquarium just for starters. See? wibbly wobbly jelly fish!

To top it all off we played around with cameras on the way home and I lucked out with a couple of neat-ish 'arty' shots.

On the way home we were also lucky enough to stumble across a rural craft fair the local ranger service had organised. Basket weaving, wood turning, farm shops, ferret racing and a bird of prey display.

So I pretty much crammed every aspect of all the best days out I remember from childhood (except a beach) and then added a pint on the way home.

Tomorrow will have a different flavour, as Hubster is back in work. I'm getting to meet one of my best friends for lunch though, so the greatness continues.