Wednesday, 21 October 2020

I don't have a 'lockdown life's diary full of thoughts and carefully constructed photos, and that's thankfully fine. I've been using my energy to focus on keeping everyone alive, as healthy and happy as possible without quietly losing my mind myself along the way. Some days have been better than others but overall its actually gone fairly well.
Now I feel, like many people, that we're left with a big aching unknown. Uncertainty is our new companion. This creates a deep longing for normality, certainty, security (see everyone flocking back to whatever filled their pre covid days and normality to them). I'm not ready to rejoin casual days out and trips to cafes and pubs. We do need to get out though, and we've been exploring all the little patches of woodland and parks and half hidden corners of nature anywhere within a workable distance of us.
Today's discovery has a mud slide! And warm breezes blowing in across fields, a pond coated in unfurling water lilies and hazel trees sending up supple stems from their coppice bases.
Tomorrow , back to the plot. I promise! (To see how true this little saying has become)