Friday, 26 August 2016

August -ish

Ah, monthly(ish) round up. Seems this is the way to go blog wise in this season of life. I'm OK with that.

So, crochet
The wrap cardigan is done, the niece is here. I forgot to take pics of the fished item before I posted it but I am going to visit my sister in a few weeks so hopefully she'll be OK with me posting a pic of niece actually wearing it (there will be many pics!)

And allotment
I've had potatoes, courgettes and rosemary from it this season. I'm pretty happy to have got that much from what was a piece of waste ground. There's also a lot of infrastructure in place now and a lot more clear ground. I'm hitting Pinterest to start my planning for next year. I just need soil first, lots of soil.

Hmm, might be time to think about renaming the blog. No poetry to speak of, tho I have been journalling a bit more (mostly as a reaction to needing a place to get my thoughts out after some counseling sessions). I've been reading though; two whole books and another half since last month! And I'm officially considered a 'regular' at our local library (the friendliest library assistant in the north ever said so) and have been invited to join a new book group there. Oh the dilemma, as it would mean another evening out and is most likely end up not even reading the text and having to be Rachel taking about robots in Jane Eyre (please tell me people still get Friends references).

And in other news
Climbing, well bouldering. It's something I've been really getting in to, and have been prioritising that I have a session most weeks. It makes me feel strong; shows me what my body and mind are capable of, which is very often more than I'd ever imagined, and I'm massively better at it than I was six months ago (whilst developing a mantra of not competing myself to the mountain goats who seem to populate every session I go to!)

Here's to September, we're nearly there. My favourite season, birthday month and personal new year. I can feel myself thinking of plans and grand schemes, could be dangerous!


  1. So much to do, so little time to blog - a monthly catch up seems a great use of time.

    1. And the more you do the more there is to write about (at least it's a good problem to have!)
      I saw you've been busy with quilting things, did your year of crochet take off too?
